So I don't really have many pictures to post, so I'll will just post the couple I have since the last time I wrote and tell ya what they are and then as always, I will try to keep up with my blogging!! =-)
This was moving day for my sister into my parents house and I was there to help and we were cold and trying to cover up our double chins!!
So there atleast are some random pictures so that you all know that I am alive amazingly enough! Daryl did take me to Wicked and it was sooooooo amazing I would go every weekend if I could, and Daryl even liked it!! So I'm about 3 weeks into my semester and it's weird because it doesn't seem like it's supposed to be over yet, but at the same time it's a sense of relief. It is a little worrisome thinking of all the things I feel I need to know, but I'm hoping it all just comes in time! Oh, and many of you probably don't know I'm living in a condo that my family bought. I live by myself which is a little weird at times, but other times it's great! Well, That's all I can think of right now, I will, as always, say I will make some kind of an effort to keep up on my blog, but no promises, all I can do is try! Love you all!!!